Foraging Solutions
Your fundamental guide to discovering and picking out a better diet in your neighborhood with no retail store needed.
back to the pioneer days
Explore your neighbourhoods with an empty bag in your hand to gather the treasures growing around you. There is much medicinal and nutritional plants growing all around us.
Learning about a truly Eco-friendly lifestyle
Hello fellow adventurers,
My name is Sandra. And since the dark days of the COVID lock-downs I have started to really think about my modern urban lifestyle.
I am not sure what you were doing during the those days but I was going for long walks alone in my small town and began to notice the green things growing all around me. I became curious about their names and if they were good for anything beyond decoration and the consumption of carbon dioxide and making oxygen. Then I realized that those who had lived here before me had planted many lifesaving trees and herbs. I discovered that the green things are indeed full of nutrition some more so then others. And this website is the product of that search.
Embrace Natural Health with Nature's Harvest
At Nature's Harvest, we prioritize your health by encouraging you to pursue educational resources to improve your fieldcraft knowledge of free food within your local area.
It is a new way to live. Prepping and survival skills are always good to have in this time.